Friday, 29 November 2013

Slightly Over Whelmed But Very Happy

So I went to my other fair on Thursday, I hoped to do better than I did as my last. I barely broke even last time and it really dishearten me. 
Well what a change it was last night!! I sold 15 bottles of polish!! Everybody was so lovely and load of people where amazing I was making the polish myself! The custom top coats where a big hit and I ended up with glitter everywhere whoops!
I had such a fab time! It makes me want to go out and do lots more fairs! 
I also met a lovely blogger, Sarah of My Mint Nails ( came to the fair just to see me :') which I was extremely touched by! I am not hoping to do a Christmas Flea Market week before Christmas if I can fit it in around work and belle.

Last night I was mixing polishes of my secret santa when I created this:

Quite possible the most perfect hot pink I have ever seen!! As usually I don't think the picture does the polish justice but that might be just me! I have a plan for this polish so watch this space ;) 


Tuesday, 26 November 2013

No More Nubs?

I have never had strong nails, ever! They have always been the bendy, peeling and breaking type! I used to have gels up on which did help but they would still break a lot :( but this is how my nails look currently....

Looking rather long (this is extremely long for my natural nails!) all expect my little finger :( I get very bad eczema on my hands and it seems to be effecting my nails on my little finger as above and my ring finger on my other hand. Due to the state of these two nails I don't swatch my own polishes which I'm gutted about! I love my swatcher they are lovely ladies but I would love to do my own :( oh well I can hope one I'll be able to! 
I just really hope they stay like this till Thursday! My last fair is then and I want to be able to show people the gradient effect of my thermals and you can't will nubs :( if the break it will have to be extensions :( 

My site is coming on nicely, my lovely Liam has sorted the shop and put all my polishes in and just finished my blog too!! So excited to put the link up once I have added my graphics and content!! 


Saturday, 23 November 2013

Very Cold Finger!!

Here I am again blogging at work -.- and I can't barely feel my fingers, how my poor iphone is picking up which letters I am hitting is beyhond me! 

My website is coming on nicely, I keep getting messages saying "this is your home page" "your nav bar" "I hate coding" "not sure how to code a shop" hehee love my guy! He's a star! 

I'm also thinking about glow polishes and more thermals. I keep longingly looking at my suppliers website and thinking which colours to buy next! It's really not helping being skint and Christmas coming up :/

Finally I would like you all to met Fraiser Danger Stephenson, my first nephew! It's my first time being an auntie and he is just so cute! Not sure about the middle name but that's my brother for you! 
I look forward to meeting you in January little man! 


Friday, 22 November 2013

Over The Moon But Also Disappointed...

My hoodie arrived yesterday just in time for my fair!!!
I'm so so happy with it! Once my website has been coded I will get that printed on the bottom I think! 
It's not finished yet but is it in the process and going well, I think! 

Now for the disappoint meant, I went to my fair last night, I was very excited! Lauren came a long and was a massive help! But I hardly sold any :( my mum only sold one book so made a loss and a lady behind me didn't sell a thing! No body was seeming to buy anything, I just scraped a profit but only just less than a £1 I think :( 
But it was fun and I have another one on Thursday next week too so hopefully I will do better at that one! Here are some pictures from the event-

Lauren making some bags up to make the table look all pretty!

Lauren and myself with my table (never trust my mum with a iphone, the pictures come out fuzzy)


Wednesday, 20 November 2013

He Has His Uses :)

As of last night I am totally sold out of my Christmas thermals untill the 1st of December! Really rather proud of my little business, it's doing rather well! 

I am wanting to move my blog and my shop on to my own website, I got a step closer last night as my lovely boyfriend bought me my domain :D once set up it will be nailsinspirepolish .co .uk
He is currently coding it all for me so a massive thank you goes out to him! Thank you Liam!!! <3
(Honestly dating computer geeks has it's perks!)

Finally I getting very excited about my fair tomorrow night! My hoodie should be here and my best friend Lauren is coming along too!!
Can't wait!!!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

"2 balls, put the brush in and twist on the lid!"

Mad rush home today to try and get some bottles sorted for Thursday! My mum and me were sat at our kitchen table putting mixing balls in to empty bottles. 1 ball in 31 5ml bottles and then assembled 20 10ml bottles and put 2 balls in those! Yet I still don't feel like I have enough prep done! I won't have time to do any on Thursday and might not tomorrow as my bestfriend is home from uni so we are taking our horses out for a ride! 
I might try and squeeze some prep in when I get home tonight before bed :/ I still have the following to do:
- write out my labels with my sliver pen.
- find my sliver pen.
- organize my stock.
- give my dad my fairy lights get him to figure out why they aren't working. 
- print off some business cards (might not happen at this stage) 
Plus loads more which I can't remember at present!

I also have more ideas running around my head for my next thermal collection, plus wanting to have a play with glow in the dark polishes anndddd I have some red (yes real red! Not brick colour but red) pigment I want to have a play with!

Arrrrrggggg!?!? I need a week of work! 

Monday, 18 November 2013

Mixing, Riding and Forever Covered In Glitter!!

So this is how I sent Sunday morning: 

Mixing up a new batch of my thermals ready for my fair on Thursday night! All very exciting!! I also mixed up some more holo too coat which should be in my shop by 1st of December a long with thermals and my NI Polish Kits!!
I then spent the afternoon at the stables. I took Belle out on a hack with a young girl on her show pony. Belle was meant to be the nice calming influence on Pip but instead decided that the orange road blocks where far too scary and had to be snorted at and run away from -.- 

Also I have just approved the design for my hoodie and it should be here on Thursday too :D all very exciting!!! 

Saturday, 16 November 2013

I Think I Have A Problem....

I have known for a while about my glitter problem, but since I placed myself in a glitter ban I have been good and not bought any! (Check me out!)
But I have not noticed I new thing I tend to collect...hoodies :/ I have about 9/10 and have just ordered a new one...whoops! I meant to be saving my money for when I go to the Olympia Horse Show next month but the one I have ordered is just awesome!! It should arrive in time for my first fair which is in Thursday, if it doesn't heads shall roll! I will post a picture when it arrived but think alone the lines of black, pink and GLITTER!! 

I am sorry about the lack of nail news as of late but I have been soo busy with work I just haven't had chance! I will be mixing polishes tomorrow night ready for my fairs tomorrow night so there will be some pictures and maybe a couple of limited editions. 

I am in desparate need of a holiday, Centre Parcs world be nice!

On a final note Belle was clipped today, me and Becky (yard owner) both expected full blown fire works from her and to be a pain in the back side! But she wasn't, she was a total star and I'm very happy with her!! 


I Think I Have A Problem....

I have known for a while about my glitter problem, but since I placed myself in a glitter ban I have been good and not bought any! (Check me out!)
But I have not noticed I new thing I tend to collect...hoodies :/ I have about 9/10 and have just ordered a new one...whoops! I meant to be saving my money for when I go to the Olympia Horse Show next month but the one I have ordered is just awesome!! It should arrive in time for my first fair which is in Thursday, if it doesn't heads shall roll! I will post a picture when it arrived but think alone the lines of black, pink and GLITTER!! 

I am sorry about the lack of nail news as of late but I have been soo busy with work I just haven't had chance! I will be mixing polishes tomorrow night ready for my fairs tomorrow night so there will be some pictures and maybe a couple of limited editions. 

I am in desparate need of a holiday, Centre Parcs world be nice!

On a final note Belle was clipped today, me and Becky (yard owner) both expected full blown fire works from her and to be a pain in the back side! But she wasn't, she was a total star and I'm very happy with her!! 


Wednesday, 13 November 2013

To Holo, Or Not To Holo? Not Really A Question!

I have had some stunning holo pigment for quite a while now but when I asked my lovely Instagram followers if they wanted holos or thermals first they came back with a definite longing for thermals. So that is what they got! But I am now looking to do a holo collection soon. I want a collection of 4, maybe a red and a teal but what colours do you want to see?

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Competition Time!!!

Who would like the chance to win a £10 gift card to my shop? 

If so here is how to be in with a chance! All you need to do is buy a bottle of polish between now (12th November) and the 25th of December 2013. This includes buying one from my etsy shop or if you see me at a fair! On the card label with the polish name on there will be a number, the numbers will start at one and go up. The more polishes you buy the more numbers you will have and the more chance you will have of winning ;) on Christmas Day (after I have opened my presents and given Belle her presents) I shall be picking a number at random and announce the winner! 

1⃣ Each polish will have one code.
2⃣ You can buy as many polishes as you want, for each polish you will get a new number.
3⃣ Custom polishes made at fairs will get one number too.
4⃣ My decision is final.
It is really that simple! If you have any questions then please post below or drop me an email :)

Good luck to you all!! xXx

Monday, 11 November 2013

Very Valid Reason!

I have a very valid reason as to why I have been blogging the last few days, all I need to say is two words...

Spead Sheets!

So as I'm not the most organized person in the world I have got all of my invoices for everything I've bought for NI but I just not totally sure I know where about 90% of them are. So when I finally pulled my finger out and made a start I became very stuck very fast! I had to go back through countless eBay emails finding which were polish related and which were the Christmassy hats on head bands I had bought for my mum and my self. I also had to convert individual glitter costs from dollars to pounds, ARRRGG it's taken me days to sort it all out and I'm still not done yet -.- I have finished my cost page and my sales but not my profits :/ 

Any way here is a picture of Belle on the winter sun on Sunday, love my girl!

Byee xxxx

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Musings Of a Pizza Shop Girl...

No nails news tonight my dears :( not had any time, sad I know so instead I thought I would entertain you with the ridiculously stupid things people say when they ring the shop.

- Our burgers are 1/4 or 1/2 pound, the amount of people that ask which is bigger or what the difference is is just astounding!
- I ask where the food is getting delivered to and they say "poppleton" okay where? "Poppleton" -.- 
- I ask what they would like "oooh I don't know" then why did you ring?
- "can I have a ham and pineapple pizza?" Yes of course, a 9" hawiian- "NO I want a HAM and PINEAPPLE pizzas!" Yes that is what a hawiian is love.
- "my pepperione pizza doesn't have any pepperione" have you looked under the cheese? 

I seriously worry about the iq level surround this pizza shop :/

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Stock Levels, Restock, New Stock, Stock, Stock...

Can you guess what nights blog is about? Bet you can't!!

Okay so here are the polishes which won't be restocked:
The Jellies - full set
Fire Works - full set
Top Effects - The Harlequine and Grape Expections
Fallen Leaves
So once these are sold out they are gone!

What will be restocked:
Top Effects - Touch of Pazaz
Christmas Thermal - full set

Restock date: 1/12/13

New stock? I have some ideas which I want to test out and hopefully release in a  month or so. I also have a colour which I created when I very first started mixing called Belle's Lullabie which I have been itching to release for a while now but didn't have a collection based around it. But then I thought, Hey this is my shop, my polish thee off my rules! 

I am also looking to set up my listing for NI Polish Kits!! They will maybe be in the shop on Sunday, depending on how knackered I am after being at the stables all morning. 

P.S can you tell I found out how to put stuff in bold and italics on my phone tonight inspirers? 

Monday, 4 November 2013

Big Yawn and My Arm Hurts!

Yep I'm exhausted, sat on my lift chair at the pizza shop feeling like in about to drop off! Dragged myself out of bed today to go work at the stables and when I came to ride Belle she was a cow -.- 
She has these days where she will buck and bronc and be awful to ride and it makes me think she is too much for me and she would be better with somebody else, then the next day she is a super star and I love her again! Now my arm and shoulder hurt from hanging on for dear life do she didn't take off in the school! Damn mares!!

On a brighter note my Christmas collection was released on etsy last night!
Since the release I have had 4 orders which was 8 bottles in total!! So happy!!

I'm now looking though my current stocks on etsy to see what will be restocked and what want be, hmmm decisions...