Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Sit and Breath!

Is it bad that my seemingly only sit down of the day is at my second job? Hmm...

Well today has been rather hectic to say the least! Working at the stables and sorting Belle, going home via the pub to book a tables for Sunday, mad dash home to pack an order and a prize, stop at the post office to send said packages and now sat at work blogging....can I go to bed now please? No? I have to work here till midnight? Urg great!! 

In brighter news I have booked Nails Inspire in for 2 Christmas fairs :D exciting stuff I know! 
Also the last Christmas polish has been mixed and bottled:

I'm leaving the colours secret untill it's release on the 1st of November ;) mean I know! 
Also I have my new bottles:

This means I can restock Touch of Pazaz in my etsy shop!! I love the new bottles, but what do you think?

Bye Inspirers, Keep Dreaming!!

1 comment:

  1. Aw bless you doll! Take some time for yourself! Can't wait to get my hands on your Christmas collection and a bottle of Touch of Pazaz :) ��
