Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Maybe Fate? Do You Believe

So I have never given fate and destiny much thought until about a year ago. Here is why I now do and the story of Belle and myself (not nail related today sorry) 

Last February I was meant to go live in Canada for 6/8 months with my brother, I had been saving for said adventure for about 5 years. One day I was sat about at the yard where I had a pony on loan (Whisper) at the time and my yard owner Becky turned to me and said 
"Kim do you want a horse" 
my replay "pardon?" 
"Do you want belle?" 
Now Belle is a ex race horse who was imported from Canada by a woman who had no interest in her (all together guys "awwhhh")  she had never been taught to be a normal riding horse and hadn't been ridden in about a year so needed a lot of work. I had never trained a horse before but from the moment I had been on that yard (about 5 months) I had been so drawn to her, I would watch in awe as she was lunged in the arena and everytime my mum came down to see Whisper I would point her out saying 
"That's Belle, isn't she just stunning!!" 

So the reason I was at yard was my old loan pony Oliver was getting ill due to old age so I was no longer riding him and on the 24th of October 2012 he was put to sleep at the grand age of 22! (Sleep tight my boy, never forgotten) So my best friend Lauren had got me to come try out Whisper on that yard. Now also on that day Belle lost her horsey friend Salam, both Salam and Belle were important by the same woman. 

Fast forward to February 22nd 2013 is when I was offered Belle by Becky. When I got home I rushed to the kitchen to tell my mum 
"MUM! You know Belle??"
With worry in her voice "yes?" 
"I've been offered her to buy!" I knew full well it would either be go to Canada or buy Belle so I spent the next few hours at work mulling it over in my head. I sent Becky a text requesting first refuseal of her and on Saturday morning (23rd) I ran straight up to Becky and said 
"I want her!" 
Her response "are you sure?" 

I spent the first week just lunging her, I was so nervous when it came to riding her 1 week later, but she was so good! She has come on so much in the 11 months I've had her and I'm so so proud of my girl! 

Now the fatey bit: 
- She was an extra in my favourite tv program Heart Land it's a Canadian show and she was in two episodes! 
- She lost a friend the same day which I lost mine!
- She was bred in the country where I was meant to go and live in!
- I've never been more drawn to a horse in my life! 

So maybe you will all think I'm slightly crazy now but truth be told Belle is the best thing that has ever happened to me! She could of well been a totally but job once her fitness improved but she isn't, she is the sweet horse I have ever had the pleasure to know! I keep getting told I should be really proud of her and myself for all we have done so far, and that Belle has really landed on her feet with me! 

Okay I feel like I have waffled on for long enough now, I have been wanting to write all of this out for while so finally got it done ;) and of course here are some pics of my girl!!


  1. She looks stunning and it sounds like it definitely is fate!

  2. Aww that's lovely! She's such a gorgeous horse. It's definitely fate you 2 came together!

  3. Awww what an amazing story Kim. It's deffinately destiny and fate that bought you and Belle have done a fantastic job with her and I know you will keep it up....big hugs to you and Belle xxxxx
