Saturday 23 November 2013

Very Cold Finger!!

Here I am again blogging at work -.- and I can't barely feel my fingers, how my poor iphone is picking up which letters I am hitting is beyhond me! 

My website is coming on nicely, I keep getting messages saying "this is your home page" "your nav bar" "I hate coding" "not sure how to code a shop" hehee love my guy! He's a star! 

I'm also thinking about glow polishes and more thermals. I keep longingly looking at my suppliers website and thinking which colours to buy next! It's really not helping being skint and Christmas coming up :/

Finally I would like you all to met Fraiser Danger Stephenson, my first nephew! It's my first time being an auntie and he is just so cute! Not sure about the middle name but that's my brother for you! 
I look forward to meeting you in January little man! 


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